Congrats to 2020 Champs: Team Got Fish?
2020 Best Overall Details
$50 Per Score OR $150 In Advance
100% Payout - Winner Takes Half
333 Best Overall tracks your progress all season long as you compete in multiple 333 events. Standings will be finalized after the LRCR Manistee Monster Mania.
In a nutshell the Best Overall Competition requires teams to compete in (3) 333 events over the course of the season. Scores from each event will be added together to create one overall score. The highest overall score at the end of the season will become the new 333 Best Overall Champion. That team will receive half of the Best Overall pot, the Best Overall Trophy, and they will be featured in the next edition of the Tournament Trail Magazine. Best Overall teams must declare their intention to count their score prior to fishing each individual event. (you do not need to declare all ports used for scoring at the beginning of the season).
4th Score Option:
Teams may elect to fish a fourth event. If a team chooses to do so the resulting score will replace their existing lowest score whether its better or worse. The 4th event entry fee is included in your advance entry. Teams that elect to pay port by port will be charged the additional $50 entry fee at their selected event.
If you have more questions on how the Best Overall works contact Scott at (231) 690-1103 or look over complete rules here.
2019 333 Best Overall Champs: On Call
2018 333 Best Overall Champs: Team Bad Dog